How do we “Love our Neighbor” in the middle of the COVID-19 virus?
Wichita First Church has created this place to be a hub for neighborly kindness. If you have a need, post it here. If you can meet a need, partner with us as we create a place for Wichita to be good neighbors to one another.
Let’s all link arms, help each other out if we can, and cover our city in prayer.
We would love to help you make these days a little easier. If you need help with getting groceries, running errands, finding childcare, needing encouragement or have a prayer request – we are here for you!
If you are able to lend a helping hand, we could use your help! We are looking for people to help run errands, offer childcare, and commit to praying for those around us.
Support our local businesses who will experience lost revenue.
It is encouraged that we not go to local restaurants or stores right now, but we can still support them by purchasing gift cards to use at a later date. Use them for yourself or gift to a friend.
Know someone who is especially anxious? Send them flowers, a box of treats, or a gift from a local business.
We could all use some extra coffee these days – grab an extra cup for a walk with a friend or something else outside.
There are lots of ways we can love our neighbors and support local businesses as well. Lets all get a little creative during this time!
NOTE: There are still risks involved when entering stores or meeting up with friends. Please use the advice from the CDC and stay 3-6 feet away from others, staying away from groups of people and wash your hands frequently. If you are showing any symptoms, send an encouraging text and stay home – that’s a great way to be a neighbor, too.