grow with your kids

Learn about God’s love together with your child!

These simple weekly resources are to help you learn together. Watch the video and discuss.

Parent Cues for Story and Worship Experiences

Easy-to-use guides with fun activities and discussion prompts, so families can review the video presentations AND talk about what to do with what they’ve learned.

Sunday, June 28:


K-3rd Grade


Elementary God Time Cards

Devotionals kids can do that will reinforce the content in the weekly video presentations.

Sunday, June 28:

K-1st Grade

2nd-3rd Grade


Preschool Place Mats

This printable placemat is designed to sit on the table all month long. These give parents easy access to this month’s bottom line as well as questions to ask each week and hand motions to the Bible verse.

Sunday, June 28:



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