Navigating Your Finances God’s Way

Navigating CompassJoin facilitators Aaron and Vickie Veatch for a nine-week study on what the Bible says about money and possessions. Whether you’ve got a sound, long-term financial plan or are lost amid a stack of bills and debt, this small group will bring together a variety of financial backgrounds to explore what God has to say about money.

This small group will meet Sundays 5-7 p.m. starting Jan. 25 (no meeting on Feb. 1).

Graduates of this study have had their marriages strengthened, they are getting out of debt, they are becoming more consistent savers and more generous givers. The most important outcome of these studies is that participants have developed deeper relationships with Jesus Christ.

For course material information, visit the Compass website.

To sign up for this small group, contact Aaron and Vickie Veatch.


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