4 ways to celebrate Christmas with Wichita
#1 HOW TO FIND PEACE | Christmas Message Series
Peace is the opposite of anxiety, and our world is filled with anxiety.
In this series, you’ll learn:
- 12/10 | How to find and get onto the path of peace
- 12/17 | How to make peace with your past
- 12/24 | How to find peace with God
- 12/31 | How to fight for peace when you’re losing it
On Sundays beginning December 10 at 11:00AM through Christmas Day, our Arts Team and Lead Pastor have created a Christmas message series to help you find peace through the good news of Jesus Christ.
Each week there’s great music—including Christmas songs you know and some new songs that will lift you–and a helpful, timely message from the Bible exploring the first Christmas. We’d love for you to be our guest in person or streaming online.
In person: 1400 E Kellogg Dr. Wichita, KS 67211
Our streaming platforms: YouTube | Facebook | FirstNaz.org/live
#2 CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT | A Christmas Eve Tradition
This Christmas Eve, we are hosting two identical Christmas Eve experiences for the whole family in-person and online, Sunday, December 24th at 11:00AM and 4:00PM.
In 40 minutes, we’ll sing familiar Christmas carols, hear the Christmas Story, a short, moving message from our Lead Pastor, and end singing carols by candlelight. It’s a favorite every year.
Kids are welcome in the service and our Nursery (0-4) is open if you need it.
#3 BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE | Wednesday, December 13, 7:00PM
Not everyone feels the joy of Christmas. A loss of a loved one, job-loss, a relationship that breaks down, a challenging time in life can make Christmas a time of grief instead of joy.
We need space to grieve. Blue Christmas is a service of remembrance. Join us for a short talk on the reality of grief and the journey to hope, a few stories from people working through their grief, a song of hope, and the opportunity (if you’d like) to name the person or situation you are grieving at Christmas.
It’s a service where you aren’t required to be okay.
In our Chapel. 1400 E Kellogg Dr, enter from Lulu on the West side of the building.
#4 JINGLE JAM | Wichita First Kids | December 3
Every Christmas, our kids pull out all the stops for a special family Sunday we call Jingle Jam. Our theme for December is “Deck The Halls.”
The Jingle Jam experience on December 3 @ 11:00AM is a fun and interactive way to hear the Christmas story–the whole family is invited. And we celebrate after with a kid-friendly party in the lobby. Then every week in December in all our Kids Church environments (Pre-K, K-3, 4th-5th), we’ll be discovering how to deck the halls for Christmas.