You are the difference
Wichita First Church is you. You make the difference in who we are–for our city and for our world in Jesus’ name.
Here’s a small sample of how we have grown in our love for God, love for each other, and love for our world this year because of your generosity. Thank you so much! You are the church. Keep making a difference.
- 8 new clean water wells were built in Malawi and Zimbabwe–each well serves anywhere from 3,000-5,000 people
- 1800+ people on average were served monthly at Living Waters
- 57 kids & students attended life-changing Summer Camps where heart-deep connections are made with Jesus and his people
- We made connections with 193+ new families via our outreach events–Kids Experience & Trunk or Treat & Easter Egg Hunt
- We baptized 4 people–new life in Christ!
- 100+ people served on Mission Trips from Minnesota, to Malawi, to Honduras, to Cactus, TX
- Onboarded our new Worship Arts Pastor & Production Director (Nathan & Lauren Davis) who are bringing life and energy to us in a multitude of ways
- Hundreds of you volunteered Sundays, at special events serving our neighbors, and serving our partners
- Thousands of hours were spent listening to, serving, making meals, encouraging, and helping each other as the Body of Christ.
Keep making a difference
Every local church is an outpost of hope and grace for their city. You are that for our great city. As you grow in Christ, we grow. As you experience hope from God’s Spirit, we experience hope. As you share the grace of God, we share the gift of God’s saving, redeeming, life-giving love with our friends and neighbors.
Your year-end gift helps us end the year strong, looking toward 2025 with anticipation and hope for what God will do in us and through us. Our church is fueled by our collective generosity.
Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to our city!
Did you know you can donate stock and other assets to the church?
Some givers may want to consider giving stock to the church. If you donate stock that has appreciated in value, in most cases you can take a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock and avoid paying tax on the increase in the stock’s value. There are some limits imposed by the IRS, so consult your tax advisor for more information.
The church has an account set up with the Church of the Nazarene Foundation for charitable contributions of stock or assets. Please contact Larry Page for more information via email or 316-858-1400.
Did you know you can make a donation from your IRA to the church?
If you are 70½ or better, you may be able to transfer funds from your IRA to the church tax-free via a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). And, for those who are at least 73 years old, QCDs count toward any required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year. The IRS imposes some limits, so consult your tax advisor for more information.